Thursday, October 2, 2014

Profile for Persuasion: The Quiet Ones

Main Characteristics and Values
Quiet people are contemplative observers who prefer to stay out of drama and trouble. They may or may not be self-conscious about speaking, but likely enjoy speaking on a topic if they know a lot about it or are passionate about it. In conversation, quiet people may need prodding for more than "yes" or "no" answers. They will gladly engage in superficial talk, and love to joke and have fun, but do not like to share their personal selves except with those they have known for a long time. They value being alone at least every once in a while so they can dance, sing, or talk to themselves without other people around to watch. In a group setting, quiet people may appear to be aloof or proud. In reality, they simply enjoy sitting back to watch others. They value those that will wait long enough in silence until they have come up with something to say, and do not like to be labeled as "shy."

Likely/Unlikely to Persuade
Quiet people are likely to be persuaded by an appeal to the hidden, psychological aspects of human nature. They would also enjoy things that are simply silly and fun. They would not be persuaded by anything that appears pompous or haughty, nor by anything that contradicts their values--especially since they may not want to speak up in these situations.

Test Case: Attending a Play
Quiet people could most likely be persuaded to see something like Wicked or something like Hecuba with relative ease. They would enjoy the entertainment and the opportunity to think and analyze provided by each...but may prefer Wicked because it is more of a release from everyday life, rather than a bring-ya-down-er like Hecuba.


  1. I really relate to this post! In high school, I was nicknamed "the quiet one" (which now sounds more like the title of a horror film rather than a term of endearment). Today, I am a lot more outgoing, but I remember those days and can agree with everything you said, especially in your first paragraph. I would even add that politeness is heavily valued. I know for me, I was so quiet because I wanted people to know I was listening to them. However, now looking back, those attempts to be polite may have seemed rude simply because it was over done. Good job! This was interesting for me to reflect on a group I used to be a part of.

  2. I definitely see "the quiet one" as being the classic introvert. I consider myself an introvert. I like to plan, analyze, and listen. However, I am an outgoing introvert, which is kind of strange for an introvert. Even though I am not labeled as the quiet one, I can see so much of who I am as an introvert in this post. Great pyschological profiling! If you want to check out my post on hipsters, that would also be great!

  3. It's comforting to know that there are other people like me out there! I've never been able to accurately describe my characteristics and values, but you nailed it. Another thing that easily persuades us is well developed logos, because when I see that a person makes a logical point I easily cede to it without argument.
