Thursday, October 2, 2014

Profile for Persuasion: The Hipster

Main characteristics and values: The hipster is an American subculture that includes both men and women usually in the age range of 20-40. They are usually characterized by their obsession with fashion and clothing.  They often wear vintage inspired fashion and sport a usually androgynous appearance.  They often wear thick-rimmed glasses and clothing that the main culture would not wear.  They shop at stores like American Apparel and Urban Outfitters.  They are ordinarily well educated with various creative interests in the arts and music. They value independent thinking, counter-culture, intelligence, and wit. They are usually of a liberal political mindset.  Feminism and equality form large parts of their beliefs.  All hipsters reject mainstream culture as corrupted, unequal, sexist, racist, and wrong.  They are pioneers and leaders of cultural trends and ideals including clothing and music.  They value cultural awareness while at the same time, they reject much of the common culture.  They will not tolerate inequality, sexism, or racism.  They love to celebrate non-traditional or non-western cultures.
Likely / unlikely to persuade
Hipsters are likely to be persuaded to pay attention to new or obscure internet, cultural, or technological phenomena.  They can be persuaded to do anything that would increase their intelligence or cultural prowess.  They are likely to protest inequality, racism, or sexism in public.  Hipsters are unlikely to be drawn into belief of traditional values.  They would be unlikely to fall into traditional male and female roles, like being athletic and male or submissive and female.  Hipsters would likely reject anything that ties them to traditional society.
Test case: attending a play 

Hipsters could be convinced to watch a play pretty easily as it is obviously a unique, cultural experience, and hipsters love unique culture.  If the play explored intriguing, deep, and controversial themes, they will be sure to attend.  If the play supports traditional western values, however, hipsters might not want to see the play.  If the play was at all cliché, hipsters would probably not want to attend; however, if it was deep, atypical, or ironic, it would definitely appeal to hipsters


  1. I have always wondered what a "real" hipster was, because I have been told that many of the so called hipsters that attend BYU or reside in provo or more of just wannabes. They dress the part as far as the fashion and clothing but they don't really possess the ideals that you outlined. I really like the unique features you pointed out about real hipsters, and made it so clear as to why they would want to attend a play. Great post!

  2. I agree with spencer, I have been quite curious about what a hipster actually is, and I found this post very helpful. I wonder are hipsters there only to go against the norm? Would they still be around if they were the majority?

  3. Love it! It's funny that all of us know the term "hipster," but have never pinned it down or seen it pinned down like this. Nice goin!
