Thursday, October 2, 2014

Profile for Persuasion: The Provo All Stars

Main characteristics and values

This depiction is sadly true. But quite comical.
                Utah County has around 60 to 70 thousand college students living in close proximity of each other at any given time during the college year. One segment of this large community of students has made quite a name for themselves and are often referred to as the “Provo All Stars”. Provo All Stars are male’s ages 18-30 living in and around the Provo area that have served or returned from LDS missions and are not actively seeking marriage or other responsibilities. They often participate in Summer Sales jobs, wear tank tops and “snapback” hats, and spend much of their time at the gym. Most of these supposed “all stars” are typically known for their self-centered natured, and at often times degrading attitude towards others. They tend to be occupied on hooking up with girls and making sure their muscles look good. Looking around through social media there seems to be a pretty clear cut line as to how people in their community feel about them: All Stars like other All Stars, but everyone else tends to associate the name and those who call themselves Provo All Stars with a negative connotation.

Likely/Unlikely to persuade   

The Provo All Star symbol
                Provo All Stars tend to be the type that don’t listen to anyone but themselves. They are all about having a good time and, to quote their words exactly, “living the life”. They are likely to be persuaded if there is something in it for them, as in money, women, or something that will help them live the “dream”. Provo All Stars flock together and are likely to be persuaded if you are or at least know another All Star. They are unlikely to be persuaded by anyone else, and do to anything that they don’t personally like or have interest in.

Test case: Provo All Stars & attending a play
                This would give me a great laugh. This is the last type of person I ever see going to a play, and I would find it extremely hard to persuade a Provo All Star to attend any type of play. Perhaps one of the few ways that might work in convincing an All Star to attend a play is by showing how by going to a play he could relate to more women who are into plays and those types of arts.


  1. As for getting an All Star to attend a play, I do agree that some sort of female intervention would need to be involved. Either that, or making the play a mandatory assignment for class might be able to get them to go. Still, in the unlikely case that an All Star would be at something so touchy-feely, I think their reaction to the play would be something pretty hilarious to see. Alone, perhaps the reaction would be different from that of a group of All Stars, but who knows?

  2. The Provo All-Stars could maybe also be persuaded by women, but only if they could hook-up with women later. I do not know if Provo All-Stars would attend a play, even for a class or a woman. If a girl asks him to go to a play with her, he might suggest to her that she go watch him workout instead.

  3. This post is AWESOME. I live at the Village, I think you described at least 50% of my fellow tenants. I think the likely/unlikely analysis is 100% on point. Provo all -stars are often "just livin' the dream" (makin' money and chasin' women) that anything which would help them towards those ends would likely be pretty successful.
