Thursday, October 2, 2014

Profile for Persuasion: Millennials

Main Characteristics and Values:
Millennial, also known as Generation Y, is the younger generation in today's society with ages ranging from their early twenties to mid thirties. Our generation is significantly different than past generations when it comes to values and cultural norms. We are known for being much more tolerant to individuality and freely expressing oneself. We often question the status quo and look for new and innovative ideas. We are constantly trying to connect and learn more about the world around us, which is seen prominently in the amount of Millennials that gain a higher education whether it be through college or a trade school. In my graduating class alone, 97 percent of the student body was on their way to receiving higher education; higher than it has ever been in the past! One main characteristic that the older generations see more than others is our love of enjoyment. We constantly are engaged in "extreme" sports (i.e. trampoline parks, par-core, and other physically demanding activities), connected through social medias, and explore new forms of entertainment. I found this video and I think it does a great job at how Millennials feel in response to their criticism from the older generations.

Likely / Unlikely to Persuade:
As Millennials, we are constantly told that we are a generation with the "entitlement attitude" who don't have a strong worth ethic, and expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. Because of this, I feel like we are constantly pushing ourselves to try harder and be better. This can be seen in all aspects of our lives, whether it be through knowledge and education, or through our competitive nature seen in sports and other activities.We want to see results, and because of this, we are persuaded to do things that will leave us with gain and a better future, or great memories of wonderful experiences that we can look back on

Test Case: Attending a Play:
Millennials would probably attend a play if they felt that it would enlighten them, or leave them with a positive experience. One thing about Millennials is that they will not do something that they do not find appealing unless the are expected, or required to do it. They also might attend if the play was questioning norms of society, and pushing for a new way of thinking.


  1. Brooke, great profile. It's true that the Millennial stereotype is a kid who is lazy and entitled. Which is so weird, because we're also told that we are "the future," the "leaders of tomorrow." I don't know who likes those stereotypes, either. To persuade us, maybe someone should just try treating us like normal people. Nobody drilled into the revolutionaries or the NASA scientists or Abraham Lincoln that they were the future--they just BECAME it.

  2. I enjoyed your analysis on...well, us. I wasn't aware of the stereotypes associated with our generation, but your description and the video you posted summed it up fantastically. It was also interesting to see a positive spin on it instead of merely criticizing. I think that many of those stereotypes that people say may be true, but they don't identify enough the positive aspects of people. Good job on showing that.
