Friday, October 3, 2014

Profile for Persuasion: Grandmas

Main characteristics and values
Grandmas are older women who have children with children. They love their families and cherish opportunities to connect with the younger generations.  They typically have gray hair and are not very good at using technology.  They value older forms of communication, such as letters and cards and phone calls. They value helping younger people, either by giving advice by telling stories from their lives when they learned lessons, or by giving financial help.  They love to have clean homes and collect photos of their family members.  They value routine and do not appreciate unexpected changes to their bedtime or hair appointments.  Grandmas appreciate good manners and proper customer service.
My Grandma with all of her great-grandchildren. My nephew Nash is the only one crying.

Likely / unlikely to persuade
Grandmas are likely to be persuaded by invitations to calm, organized activities.  They are also likely to be persuaded if approached by a clean-shaven young man or a preppy looking young woman. They are unlikely to be persuaded by anything flashy or loud and exciting.  Grandmas could be persuaded if they are given plenty of time in advance of something to plan and prepare for it.

Test case: Grandmas and attending a play
Grandmas could be convinced to attend a play if it were a matinee, so they would not have to stay out late.  They could also be convinced if it were a month away, so that they have time to purchase tickets and arrange their calendar accordingly to be able to attend. If the play were new or edgy or had to do with rebellion, they would not likely go.


  1. So much of this is true of my grandma, so it made me smile reading this post. I just would like to add a thought to the test case section. I know for my grandma, if one of the grandchildren were performing in the play, or if attending were part of a family reunion or something like that, that also would be a good means of persuading her to attend. Anything that makes the play more about family is a good motivator.

  2. I have to agree with Macey about the family being a powerful motivation. My grandma didn't celebrate her 50th anniversary with my grandpa because she went to my high school graduation instead. The fact that she was willing to be separated from her husband on such an important milestone was surprising to me, but as a grandma it made sense to her!

  3. I loved your post! Made me smile and remember my own grandma. My grandma also likes to spy on the neighbors and tell everyone about their lives... Not sure if that helps with anything haha! I loved the idea that they want to plan things ahead of time but also I agree that family is super persuasive for grandmas. My grandma just changed plans in a week just to come visit our family in park city this weekend!

  4. Bwahahaha! This was hilarious. More importantly, it was a good post. making a profile for grandmas was a great way to gain ethos with this audience, since most if not all of us know our grandmas and can see exactly those points that you made.
