Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Answering the Arbitrary and Ancient

What is love?  This is my love!  
Building off of a similar theme as Katie, the all too commonly heard question delivered by Haddaway [Witness, Authority?] must be asked: "What is love?" [Maxims and Proverbs].  Men and women are both vastly different creatures, quarreling oft at any given turn, yet  are more or less dependent on one another for both survival and life fulfillment through "love" [Contradiction].  Both sides share a common interest in one another, but are still opposite in nature and demeanor from one another [Similarity / Difference].  So, why is it that this concept, defined by Merriam-Webster in one instance as "a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person" [Definition], so very difficult to understand?  Why has this age-old predicament been the topic of discussion since forever, and why will it continue to be so [Past Fact / Future Fact]? 

To begin answering the unanswerable (or unsatisfactorily answerable) question, the concept of love must first be broken down into its various components [Whole / Parts].  Of love, there is a mental/emotional sphere, a physical/sexual sphere, and a spiritual/supernatural sphere.  Some of these aspects are more cut-and-dried than the others, but some are just the way they are for reasons unexplainable [The Supernatural].  Perhaps it is this very dilemma of having so many factors in it that makes love humanity's great enigma [Cause / Effect].  Needless to say, one may take all of the logic and reasoning behind definitions and examples, trying to fit the pieces together for an ultimate truth, but at the end of the day there is always a sense of mystery and unknowing.  Many things in life can be spelled out plainly, but love cannot be fully done so, especially by all-encompassing terminology [Possible / Impossible]. 

There are varying levels of love, various definitions and nuances, and various displays of love [Degree] according to each individual and couple, so it is only natural that the topic of definition continues to be debated today [Antecedent / Consequence].  It could be that this longwinded post served nothing but to confuse, but what do you think love is?  


  1. I enjoyed how you left the question up to the readers to decide what love is. Your argument was not that love was a certain definable thing, but rather something that cannot be explained. Another topic of invention that you could use is that of contraries. You could say, "men and women are not similar; they are different" as an argument.

  2. I also enjoyed the fact that you wrote about how love cannot be defined and then didn't define it; thus proving your point. Yet you used definition in citing the Merriam-Webster dictionary, which in hindsight could be viewed as a defiance of its authority as a reference book. (Here is how the dictionary defines it, but it can't be defined).
