Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Romans' Greatest Contribution

In a world where more and more people are moving toward not wearing socks, I boldly protest! Socks are one of the things in this world which will never betray you. And yes, you guessed it, they were invented by none other than the Romans. One may say, "The Romans left us with so many amazing things, like aqueducts, why make a big deal about socks?" To those people I say, you can't even imagine your life without socks. Just think of how weird your athletic shoes would get if you never wore socks. What would the ski boot be reduced to? I think I speak for most people when I say "thank you" to the Romans for one of their most influential inventions .


  1. Haha, I have a couple friends who are avid sock-wearers and would definitely agree with you! Funny, too, because I always picture Romans wearing sandals...

  2. Ha ha, thanks John. Well said. I didn't know that. I too love socks, but sometimes I wear them inside out because I don't always like the way the lining feels on my toes. Is that weird? If you haven't tried it I highly recommend it. socks worn inside out feel incredible
