Friday, October 3, 2014

Profile for Persuasion Gun Enthusiasts

In 2012 the United States firearms industry generated an estimated 31.8 billion dollars of revenue, and there were at least 16.5 million guns purchased the same year (Velasco, 2012). I share these figures to show that there is quite a large community of "gun-lovers" in America. There are frequent gatherings of gun lovers where they preview new models, learn about how to customize their firearms, take classes to learn about safety and tactical applications, and of course practice marksmanship. The firearms community is quite active and has a fairly distinct set of values. Firearms enthusiasts love America, the National Rifle Association 's first mission is to "protect and defend the constitution of the United States." They disprove of most government regulation and lobby actively to "preserve" the freedoms of Americans. Gun enthusiasts have pride in the "American way" and will usually refer to the strength United States military in regular conversation. They have conservative values in regards to the family, marriage, and legislation.

- Likely/Unlikely to persuade:
Like I mentioned earlier, firearms enthusiasts love America. They are quite involved in politics and have a deep respect for the armed forces, anything antagonizing of the military would not be persuasive. Promotion of classical family values, being a good neighbor, and justice would interest the people in this group.

- Test Case:
First off I feel that most Gun Enthusiasts wouldn't attend a play in most situations, but they could be persuaded to see a play if it had firearms in it. Especially if the play was about a conflict in which America participated preferably World War II. They probably
wouldn't attend a play if it had anti-american sentiments, or if
conservative values were mocked.


  1. I should definitely have included this class of people in my psychological profile of Texans. I think Texas could definitely run for state with the largest percentage of gun enthusiasts. I really like and agree with the connection between gun enthusiasts and armed forces personnel. Great post!

  2. Interesting! I wanted to see what you thought about gun enthusiasts because my dad may be the biggest enthusiast of all. Two guns safes just isn't enough... I think that they would be interesting in hunting as well. My dad spends most of his time watching hunting shows, lots of whispering and dogs. Also my dad loves plays which you would never know but he would definitely love one with firearms! Thanks for your post!
