Friday, October 3, 2014

Profile for Persuasion: Dancers

  • Main characteristics and values
    • Dancers are conformed individualists; they demand precision in the ensemble but they also value creative self-expression. They value hard work and sacrifice, for they must rehearse multiple hours each day in order to achieve desired skill levels. Many aspire to perfection in and personal appearance and athletic ability. Suffering mental and physical pain for the sake of the art is a praiseworthy pursuit. Passion is their driving life-force. 
  • Likely / unlikely to persuade
    • As people who value beauty over logic, dancers are unlikely to be persuaded by scientific and mathematical arguments. Reasoning steeped in emotional appeals (pathos) would be more convincing to dancers, since their entire world revolves arounds sentiment and sensation.
  • Test case: attending a play 
    •  Dancers would attend a play before they even receive an invitation! Even more so if it were a musical. They love the performing arts in all of its forms.


  1. I like the connection between how expressive and emotionally driven dancers are and how that relates their method of persuasion. It makes sense that a person who strives to be expressive would also be most persuaded by a more emotional (yet still logical approach). Awesome post!

  2. I appreciate the post! I have a lot of respect for dancers and the way in which they choose to express themselves. Your thoughts about how dancers typically focus on the beauty of things and not so much logic really helped me put into perspective how the things that Aristotle (along with all of Ancient Greece) are applicable to each of us in our day as well.
