Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Elder Rasbands Encomium

Don’t Be a Bully, Use Rhetoric

Have you ever been bullied or beaten up? Bullying is a way of making yourself look better by making others look a feel stupid and insecure. This is one way to create ethos but there is a better way! The alternate option is displayed by elder Rasband in his talk this past Sunday morning. Elder Rasband’s use of encomium, name dropping and expert delivery sold him as a solid
compassionate apostle with exceptional credibility.

His talk is an encomium because of its extensive praise of the apostles both past and living. He praises them extensively and then compares and contrasts himself to them. He does this by saying “I am not worthy to stand in their shoes”. This statement alone would have left the audience feeling that he was unworthy but with his beautifully added that he will “stand on their shoulders”, it leaves the audience with a feeling of security. In doing this he is the opposite of a bully he literally builds himself up by building up other, and then standing on their shoulders.  

The use of so many apostles and prophets names is a rhetoric tool. If done correctly the audience associates those people with Elder Rasband and his message. This use of namedropping improves his credibility and appeal.

His demeanor and delivery was impeccable he seemed straightforward yet caring. Straightforward in that he strongly bore his testimony and his message with deviated eye contact and a firm voice. He was also very direct in his message stated exactly what he would like the audience to gain from his talk. He was also caring in that he showed emotions at opportune times and even touched his heart when talking about his ancestors. This use of direct delivery and ethos improved his credibility.

With the use of many rhetorical devices Elder Rasband not only convinced the audience of his message but of his personal character and credibility as a true apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. 


  1. "“I am not worthy to stand in their shoes”. This statement alone would have left the audience feeling that he was unworthy but with his beautifully added that he will “stand on their shoulders”, it leaves the audience with a feeling of security. " Beautifully phrased! Elder Rasband's humble confidence appealed to us as members perfectly. This is even more impressive to me considering the short amount of time he must have had to prepare.

  2. That's interesting that you would refer to Elder Rasband's talk as an encomium. I agree that he does give high praise to the other apostles living and deceased, but I feel like traditionally encomiums were used to mark the end of a "reign", not the beginning.

  3. I also agree with your assessment of Elder Rasband´s physical demeanor. Despite his humble words and tone, his physical presence left the audience with an indelible sense of authority. I love that, though he was vulnerable, he never wavered from confronting his weakness. In truth, a strong man.
