Thursday, October 29, 2015

Personal Stories Catalog

1. Story about getting hit in the head with a baseball bat. Trying to be like Barry Bonds of the SF Giants didn't really work out for my sister and I. [moralizing story, scar story] I tell this story when people ask about the scar on my forehead.

2. Story about how I met my boyfriend. Typical YSA meet story. [boy-meets-girl story, YSA ward success story] I tell this story when people ask how I met my boyfriend.

3. Story about playing beanie babies with my older sister. Whatever my older sister said, went. And I listened. [childhood fun story, older sister rules story] I tell this story for humor to explain my older sister and my relationship

4. Story about getting my dog, Shadow, from the shelter. [animal story, rescue story] I tell this story to encourage people to get shelter dogs.

5. Story about working for Disney with my roommate from freshman year. An anxiety attack in Biology class turned out to be one of the best things I've ever done. [Disney story, spontaneous decisions story] I tell this story when people ask how I got to work for Disney in Florida for a semester.

6. Story about weeping and wailing with my cousin during the family reunion float trip down the Colorado river. Tears flowed, and the sass level was off the charts. [humorous story, dramatic story] I tell this story (as well as others) almost every time my extended family is all together.

7. Sad story about why my dad never asked me to go fishing with him again, and when I decided that I was too cool to do fun things with my dad. [sad story, don't pick this story, too cool for fun story] I tell this story about how sweet my dad is and why I don't fish anymore.

8. Story about almost getting kidnapped while hosting a "kids ONLY garage sale". How unsupervised kids don't always make the wisest decisions. [kidnapper story, childhood story] I tell this story to demonstrate how my childhood is starkly different than the childhood of kids today.

9. Story about my older sister and I not wanting to eat the 'nasty' food my mom had prepared for dinner, and nearly starving in our room that night. [dramatic story, childhood story, humorous story] I tell this story when one of my sisters or I don't like what the family is having for dinner.

10. Story about a close call during Summer Sales in Minnesota this summer, and a Leather wearing priest trained in Shiatsu massage. [humorous story, scary story] I tell this story when people ask me why I quit summer sales.