Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Final Project: Rhetoric in My Field

My Rhetoric and Civilization students will be connecting their learning about communication and history to their prospective career fields through a in a series of posts which they will synthesize into a final project that will be both a formal, "published" blog post and a video version of their findings.

I'm having them develop their ideas publicly and informally by blogging, drafting from various posts, before they create the more polished written and video versions of their ideas. And so even though our blog is mostly for our own use as a class, I want my students to use it as a chance to address a broader, general audience who could benefit by learning about their field from the perspectives of communication and history.

This means my students will have to avoid writing as though they are fulfilling a requirement for a class: they will succeed to the extent that what they write is actually informative and useful for their intended audience. This applies to their individual posts that practice for their more formal academic products, as well as to the published research post and the video they will do.

See this document which introduces the final project in general and gives links to the week-by-week assignment instructions that will lead up to the completed project.

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