Friday, October 30, 2015

Personal Stories - Amanda DeBuse

The story of stealing my older sister’s things, and having her get incredibly mad at me [sibling relations story]. I tell this story when I want to express how sibling quarrel with one another, but in time, they become best friends.

The story of receiving my mission call to Korean after taking two semesters of Korean at BYU [God’s plan story, divine intervention story]. I always tell this story when I want people to know how much the Lord is in every aspect of our lives, and has a plan for us.

The story of learning how to ride a bike, and having my dad watch me one morning as I ride it by myself [development story, appreciation story, making parents proud story]. I tell this story when I want to express how much my parents were there for me when I was younger.

The story of teaching Relief Society for the first time, and being very nervous about it [God helps story, story of preparation and participation]. I tell this story when people are not sure of how their church lesson will go, and are not confident in teaching.

Story of transferring to BYU from BYU-Idaho [inspiration story, life journey story]. I tell this story as a way of saying that I was inspired to go where I needed to go in that part of my life.

The story of being at work during a busy day, having to deal with angry customers, and a boss that has no respect for you [self-control story, story of doing the right thing]. When I tell this story, I want those listening to realize that getting angry or losing your top is not always the best option.

Story of going to the hospital and seeing my niece for the first time [family story, baby story]. I tell this story when I feel very proud of the fact that I was there when my niece was born, and how close to God one can feel when so close to a pure spirit.

Story of talking with my sister every night over Skype, and saying family prayer, and reading scriptures together, when she is in Singapore [family tradition story, family story, story of strengthening family relationships.

Story of how I failed a test, and felt depressed, but realized that that was not the end of the world [everything will turn out story, seeing the good in the bad story]. I tell this story mainly to myself when times get hard, and I need to see how much better things with get in the future.

Story of finishing my first novel [accomplishment story, novel story]. I tell this story mainly when I have to say things that I have accomplished in my life that I am proud of.