Friday, October 3, 2014

Profile for Persuasion: Texans

Main Characteristics and Values:
After living in Texas for 5 years, I came to realize that Texan’s are unique. One of the first phrases that comes to mind is “everything is bigger in Texas.” If one amended that phrase to “everything is better in Texas,” I think we would have a very accurate reflection of how Texans view the non-Texan world. Their pride comes from many sources. Firstly, Texas was the only state that was its own independent sovereignty before its annexation by the US. Secondly, the state as a whole shares many strong values. The people are generally (with Austin being a glaring exception) very conservative and anti what some would call “progressive thinking.” As the recitation of the state pledge every morning in public schools will attest, Texans are from Texas and they are very proud of that fact.

Texans will be attracted to anything patriotic. Despite their obvious preference in states, they definitely love America.  The will do anything to keep this country free. More soldiers enlist from Texas than almost any other state. Furthermore, many Texans will be persuaded by the allure of football and tailgating. If there’s a game involved and someone’s “grillin’ ” there will surely be a crowd of eager Texans not too far behind.

Test Case: Attending a Play:

In this regard, I do not think Texans fit super well into a particular mold. However, I would say that given the choice, a play would not be at the top of their list. They could be persuaded to go if a BBQ dinner were involved beforehand and if it was the football offseason. That being said, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat could easily be interrupted as appropriate evening attire and any argument to the contrary would likely fall on deaf ears.


  1. That is really interesting. I have wondered about Texas, I have never been there. Does it ever rain there? Maybe if the weather was bad they might be more likely to attend a play indoors.

  2. I'm so glad you did this for your topic. I grew up in denver, never setting foot in texas until this last summer. And this is just about spot on for my experience. Everyone loves america, everyone loves football (try finding a door that doesn't have either their favorite NFL or college team logo), and they have some good BBQ. One thing I would add is that even though they are very into their texan status, they are a very friendly people.
