Friday, October 3, 2014

Profile for Persuasion: Oregonians

  • Main characteristics and values: When one thinks of Oregonians, there are a few things that come to mind (especially thinking of people from the Portland and Corvallis areas). Tree-huggers, hippies, hipsters, environmentalists, and feminists. As you can see, Oregonians can be quite the activists. They are strong in their values, including the need to recycle and love everyone. They are keen to ride bicycles around town, wear strange fashions, sing and play guitar on the street, and be very free… this may or may not have to do with the drug intake there. They are pro-“Mom and Pop” businesses, even to the point of banning the building of a Walmart in some counties. Overall, Oregonians are very laid back and open to others. Oregonians aim to help everyone and create equality. They love the green and the rain and frankly, have as much pride for their state as Texans (in my opinion).
    If you ever want to get a taste of what Portland is like,
    watch Portlandia. Just be careful of some of the more
    sketchy episodes....
  • Likely / unlikely to persuade. Oregonians are likely to be persuaded by anything that gives people more freedom. They are likely to be persuaded with words like “rights” and “help.” They would be persuaded by anything that means a cleaner atmosphere and protects their beautiful land. They are also persuaded by natural emotions and personal choices. They would be unlikely to be persuaded by someone “in it for the money” or for big business. They also wouldn’t be easily persuaded by someone who didn’t enjoy nature and the outdoors, or someone who scoffed at recycling.
  • Test case: attending a play: Oregonians are likely to attend a play because they love the arts and enjoy peoples’ artistic outlets. They would be even more persuaded to attend a play if the central theme encouraged openness and freedom. If it had a slightly more controversial or liberal point of view, all the better! Even more, if it was playing outside, at a community amphitheater, and was a charity event, Oregonians would come by the thousands.


  1. I love this post. I did something similar with Texas. I like the description of art and free thinking is a part of their lives. That's cool that they enjoy protecting rights and the environment. Surprisingly, Texans share similar characteristics, although I would likely not say that Texans and Oregonians are similar haha.

  2. Its funny how you say one word that can be used to help describe Oregonians is hippies, and yet if someone were to do a post for hippies it would mirror yours almost exactly. I guess that just shows the power of association.
