Yet sometimes they do stop working, like mini rubber toys that squeeze and then lose their spring [simile]. Still do I love them, and love them the more [parallelism], for a gentle prodding will not bring them back. It takes a shock of awesome power--a strike that burns, leaves a handprint of red, demands a reaction--to send them running back to their positions [appositio]. It is their difficulty, their absence, that makes the heart grow fonder [adage].
When they are not stopped, they are pools of swirling ocean spray, collecting life for others to peer at briefly before the next tide sweeps it away [metaphor]. Pulsing, breathing, swelling and stirring, they delight at the feel of thick liquid rushing along their paths [personification]. More than delight [degree]. They live for such a purpose.
They wouldn't mind then, would they, if we sent love their way [rhetorical question]? They're so tall at carrying blood [catachresis]--I figure it wouldn't be hard to add a drop of emotion to the mix. Carry our blood. Carry the lifeblood of humanity, too [paranomasia].
I will always have a love of valves and chambers.
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ReplyDeleteIt's awesome that you chose the heart to give thanks to because we usually use the heart as a symbol for how we love something. So the heart is often left out of the things we love. It definitely deserves its own round of love. This post was an extremely poetic and well-done example of the power of the heart.