Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgivings Point of View

I am not just a day on a calendar (opposition), I am more than a table spread with bounty of turkey, stuffing, potatoes mashed, and pie ( description/ degree). Behold, my name itself denotes my anointing, holy day, indeed, open wide door (apostrophe), let loved ones enter, greet those whose presence and well being brings warmth to your soul, embrace, laugh, share in memories passed. Am I a mere day? No, I bring love and a grateful heart (anthypophora ). 
 Though I my time is but a few 24 hours, the power of my presence precedes my coming and lingers long after I have departed. My colors are the leaves of autumn, the drawing of a hand turkey, the contrast of white cream whipped atop of a moist pumpkin pie. I am found whenever blessings are counted, wherever there is appreciation uttered. I am thanksgiving. (personification)


  1. Haha Epic. I love the powerful diction. It helped me realize that this holiday, which has so recently become overshadowed by commercial parasites preparing for the Christmas frenzy is more than just another excuse to gorge. Awesome reminder and great post!

  2. Your post was very refreshing in contrast to the many that all seemed to begin with a usage of apostrophe. It seemed to really speak out and deliver its presence boldly. I really enjoyed each topic of rhetoric used.
