Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Best. Day. Ever.

     I just got married this summer! It was quite the party, but nothing compared to what the greeks would do. For them the party lasted days.

     When they would get married they would offer some of their childhood clothing and toys to the Gods as a way of separating themselves from their childhood and entering into their new life.

     While I can't say I have done that, I have written off parts of my old life in exchange for the new life of marriage. Something I'm sure everyone who marries does in one way or another.

Marriage Link


  1. Congratulations! I looked on your marriage link, and its amazing how much symbolism was in Greek weddings, sort of like the symbolism in our weddings today. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Okay this was really interesting! I like that the Greeks had that symbolic act of offering those childhood mementos to the gods. I think that too often today many couples either don't realize or aren't willing to let go of some of the aspects of their previous, single lifestyles and that then leads to tension in the marriage. So I really like that the ancient Greeks emphasized this change in their marriage ritual.

  3. The marriage ritual was a little surprising to me; purely due to the fact that the focus was almost completely on the bride. In our culture we are used to this stereotype, but in Greek society the women were treated like possessions instead of people. It seems odd that they would break this trend just for marriage.
