Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Running to the Past

Of all the contributions of ancient Greece to the modern world, perhaps none is as widely known (or at least as widely televised) as the Olympics. While our modern Olympics are considerably more exciting than their ancient counterparts, we have a lot to thank them for! For a list of events to compare with our modern snowboarding and soccer, click here.

Epic Greek Marathon Runner

To bring it to my personal life, as a former cross country runner and aspiring marathon runner, even my own personal fitness is affected by the very geography of Greece. The 26.2 mile distance from Marathon to Athens now defines the target distance for runners everywhere. Someday, however, if I ever meet the founder of Athens, I'm going to ask him why he didn't build the city about 20 miles closer to Marathon.

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Aspiring Epic Greek Marathon Runner


  1. I think it's fascinating that we have revitalized the Olympic Games today. It shows that our culture values the traditions begun so many centuries ago, while adapting it to our modern interests. I wonder what the Greeks would think of ping pong?

  2. The only marathons I do are Netflix marathons, so props to you! It's really interesting to me that today's marathon distance is defined by the distance from Marathon to Athens. Definitely shows society's love of tradition! That's awesome.

  3. I would love to know what the ancient founders of the Olympic games think about some of the events we've added over time ... we've got synchronized swimming, ice skating and so many other beautiful events! Did they ever imagine it becoming a world wide tradition? haha I wonder...

  4. Whoa! No idea the 26.2 came from that distance. Good luck training! If the Greeks could do it, so can you!
