Saturday, September 12, 2015

Would you mind dropping the mike?

I love kids. They are adorable little beings and when I have my own I'm going to walk around town with my baby or babies and be like: 

But kids for some reason are masters when it comes to timing.

For example, during sacrament meeting when it's as quiet as a church mouse and we have time to ponder what God and Jesus has done for us or in the grocery store when you're shopping and minding your own business when this happens:

A child screams.

In this case it sounds as close as what Obi-Wan Kenobi describes as "as if a million voices cried out". It is high pitched, shrill, and grates on the nerves.

And while this is going on you just want to say this to the parent who seems to do nothing to stop the screaming:

But either one of three things happen:

1) The parent will give in to the child's demands and take them outside or hand them that obnoxiously brightly colored item that caused them to scream in the first place.

2) The parent will argue with the child and you end up like this:

3) The child will throw a tantrum and cause more kids to scream, creating a audio mess that makes you want to leave or cover your ears because: 

But in the end the child will win and for me it makes me wonder how they can pull off this form of persuasion without any lasting social drawbacks that we, as adults, suffer when we try this ourselves.

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