Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The lazy man's weapon

Socrates argues that writing is the bastard child of oral.

Which is kinda ironic considering that his ideas where written down for all of history to learn about.

I think that writing is important because it gives us something to look at, a chance to gleam at our past, etc.

How is it that Socrates could belittle writing even though it preserved centuries of history is beyond me?

I wish I could say more but I only really remember Professor Burton confused about the acorn thing and our discussion about learning.  


  1. I found myself thinking about the acorn thing more than i should have...But just as you say its very ironic how Plato bashes the written word through the written word.

  2. I wonder if it would be possible for something like this to be passed down orally--especially for so long. Despite it's faults, the written word has proven successful for preservation. I wonder how this piece would have changed if it was never written down, if we'd even have it.

  3. I agree... this post assignment was hard and good for me. I learned most of all how important it is to write down things when they can't be repeated easily through history. The downfall is that people use and abuse writing in many different ways... what to do what to do.
