Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My Comfort Zone

My comfort zone has grown tremendously over the years. As a child this zone was skin tight but know it is as big as I chose to make it. This is all thanks to my wonderful mother who was constantly pulling and stretching the impenetrable comfort zone.

One of these stretching moments was when in 7th grade my mom said “you should play rec basketball this year! It would be so fun!” “uhmm…. I’m not too sure about that” I would whisper back. Eventually my mom’s persistence was enough to get me out of my comfort suit and into a basketball uniform.

Then came the time for the real try outs. Should I or should I not, I thought to myself. There were many reasons I gave myself not to tryout but in the end my mind was changed. This change came when I was playing basketball in gym class. My gym teacher came to me and gave me the courage I needed to try.

 At times credibility (ethos) is more persuasive then words. My gym teacher was one of the basketball coaches. She need only give me a few words of encouragement to persuade me to go out for the team. When you are the right person (when you have ethos) you only have to say a few words to win arguments and change lives. Lucky for me my coach was that person.



  1. " Eventually my mom’s persistence was enough to get me out of my comfort suit and into a basketball uniform.". Loved this phrase! It's been mentioned by several people, but it's really interesting to me that the power of words changes depends on the credibility of the person saying it.

  2. I'm glad your mother and gym teacher both saw your talent and potential and encouraged you to try out. I won't speak for you, but sometimes there have been ventures I have wanted to pursue, but I have needed that extra "push" to cause me to act.
