Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sometimes You Need to Look at Life From a Different Perspective

The Renaissance period was full of important figures who “embraced the idea of humanism, i.e., a renewed belief in the worth and dignity of the individual and on the importance of this life in this world, rather than in the next” (Drogin Location 858). Giotto was a figure that stuck out to me in a sense that he was basically a pioneer for the artists to shine through during this era. His technique of foreshortening or when an object in the distance appears smaller than an object in the foreground, helped convey to his viewer the perspective they should look on certain things.

Foreshortening is used in my life today. I like to show close up and personal those things I want others to know about me most. Things such as my testimony would be in the foreground of my “life painting.” Things in the background that are harder to notice would include smaller accomplishments or maybe even things I’m not proud of that I've done in my life. Giotto showed through his art pieces how we can see the good in people and the importance of focusing on that good.

I am not an artist, writer, etc. myself, but the lessons that are taught through these figures in the Renaissance are key to connecting the past to the present. I barely knew who Giotto was before this class. After learning a bit about what he contributed during his lifetime, it has allowed me to see the parallels to my life today. Perspective is important; how we look upon certain things can bias how we feel about it. My goal this year is to be more positive and see the good in others. Giotto has helped me verify this is a good way to live.


  1. I'm glad you chose Giotto. He was one of the people I was considering because I think he represents the idea of being reborn so well. He turned away from what others had done and began down a different road. I also appreciate your ideas about foreshortening in real life. It makes you think, "what would appear big in the canvas of my life?"

  2. Foreshortening is a pretty cool idea! It makes me think about what parts of my life I am trying to show other people and what parts I am not. At the same time I think that often we put some of the most important aspects of our life in the back because we fear or the fact that we don't want to open up.
