Tuesday, January 13, 2015

“The earth has music for those who listen.” ― George Santayana

“The earth has music for those who listen.” 
 George Santayana

I wholeheartedly agree with the quote above. Nature is something that has always inspired me. I feel as though being in nature draws me closer to the Creator. I know that we are children of God and therefore his most beloved and greatest creation, but I would say that the world and its splendor is a pretty close second. I have had amazing and one could say spiritual experiences out in nature. Exploring new places and enjoying the beauty there is something I find very thrilling and fulfilling.

One of my most memorable journeys of exploration and discovery was this last summer up in Juneau, Alaska. Never have I been anywhere so beautiful. I lived there for about 5 months and I never grew tired of the scenery. I wish I would have had the time to just sit out in the woods, or on top of one of the mountains and just embrace the smells, take in the musical sounds all around and enjoy the beauty surrounding me.

Even though I am no longer there I still have the images in my mind of the majestic mountains covered in green furry trees and trickling waterfalls, the deep blue glaciers, the smell of the ocean, and the sounds of the animals. I wish I could go back and hopefully someday I will. But if it is not meant to be I will always cherish the memories of my summer in Alaska.


  1. Exploring and nature go hand in hand. Last summer, when I hiked Mount Timpanogos, it was incredible.

  2. It's always fascinated me how we feel so at peace and inspired by nature. I'm also reminded while I read your blog how many times the ancient prophets would use the Mountains as a place to commune with the Lord and from that we get the name "the Mountain of the Lord."

  3. In stead of having those four pictures in a row at the end of the blog post, you should see if you could get them to play as a slideshow and just take up the space of one picture, and you could then have that wrapped within your text, it would be a really cool effect and make your blog more interesting to read.
