Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Learning a "Useless" Language

I don't remember doing homework all through high school. I would participate in class, but if I didn't get my work done while at school it just wouldn't get done. I was a good test taker, and often made deals with my teachers, and that's how I got by. I got called on a mission to preach in the Georgian language. It's a language spoken by only 2 million people in a small country, and there are basically no uses outside of that country.
I spent 12 weeks at the missionary training center studying the language for up to 10 hours a day. This was an amazing eye-opening experience for me. I learned how awesome learning was. I learned how awesome gaining knowledge was. Before that point in life I was only concerned about sports and games. It was a new and amazing experience to get excited about learning and be entertained by studying. It changed my life. I think I read like 5 books before that time. On my mission I fell in love with reading, and it's now one of my favorite pastimes. Who would have thought learning a "useless" language would have such an impact on me and my learning for the rest of my life.


  1. Missions are great! I have been amazed at how the skills I learned on my mission have been able to help me out here at BYU. Before my mission I didn't really like to talk to new people and as a missionary, that doesn't really fly! Now my whole life is different thanks to who I am becoming because of my mission.

  2. I think that this is an awesome life lesson you learned, and so cool that it completely changed your outlook on learning, and reading. Not only did you go on a physical journey on your mission, but you also discovered how to study and how to learn. Sounds like God had a little bit of a sense of humor with you. You weren't in the habit of doing homework in high school but he sure hit you with a lot of studying on your mission!
