Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Brothers We, No Matter Where, No Matter When

My family has a very interesting tie to the biggest war in history.  However, their greatness wasn't always shown in the battlefield, although many times it was, rather it was shown in their everyday acts as everyday latter-day saints in a war-torn country.
It’s been their humble acts of faith and of bravery that have given me the motivation in dark times to carry on.  I am completely astounded, amazed and inspired by the lineage I have.  If you talked to them they probably wouldn’t tell you everything they went through.  In fact, it’s taken me years to found out about some things that happened and I still glean more about what it was like to be a Mormon in Nazi Germany. 

I've found that these experiences are extremely personal and out of respect for my family’s privacy, I won’t discuss the details of what happened to them, rather point you to where you can find out for yourself.  There is a book available in the Harold B Lee library called In Harm’s Way: East German Latter-Day Saints In World War II that discusses what it was like for them.  I know that many have strong feelings when it comes to war. What I can say is that God hears ALL His children, no matter which side of a war they’re on.


  1. Your post and especially your title made me think of the movie Saints and Soldiers. It wasn't until then that I realized there were a good amount of Mormons in Nazi Germany. I also enjoyed reading about their impact in your life as I know that my ancestors have had an impact in mine.

  2. I'd like to read that book once the semester is over! I feel like often we have a bit of ethnocentrism as members of the church in America--we tend to forget that life is different for other members in different parts of the world. Learning about them and their struggles helps foster understanding.

    1. I know what you mean. While I was on my mission in Mexico I learned about so many different members that struggled and died for the Church that it dawned on me just as it did with my own family that we could find similar stories of faith and miracles no matter where the Church is.
