Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Why Wait?

I remember late one Thursday afternoon I sat out on my balcony looking at an amazing mountain range. The snow covered mountains looked so inviting and I soon began to feel the desire to go snowboarding. The memories of flying down a mountain filled my mind and also the many memories of my failures on a snowboard, which usually resulted in face planting also came to me. Regardless, these thoughts further depend my resolve to hit the slopes. I went over to my brother and simply said, “Snowboarding?” He immediately gave the affirmative nod and the decision was made that the next day we would go snowboarding. Excitedly we ran to a computer to purchase lift tickets for the next day.

As I sat on the top of the mountain preparing to go down the hill for the last time that night, I could hardly believe how happy I was. My brother and I began talking about how blessed we were to be there and be able to enjoy the beauties of the earth. I realized then that too often people procrastinate being happy. It has been said that people wait all week for the weekend, all year for summer, and all life to be happy.  My belief is that many individuals procrastinate doing what makes them happy on the bet that they will be able to find time for these activities later.

Now I know that we can’t always do activities that make us happy, this would be ridiculous and irresponsible; but life is full of so many opportunities to find happiness.  Happiness is not achieved by where you spend your money, but rather how you invest your time. Occasionally we may waste our time and end up in a figurative face plant. That is okay because the more we try to effectively use our time for good, the better we will become at finding happiness through our use of it. 


  1. I think this is a really important lesson that we all learn in different ways. I think the biggest part of it is that we can't just wait for things to come to us, we just have to go find them and find happiness.

  2. I really like your post. It shows that happiness can be found in the smallest of things, even after we've experienced "face plants" in life.

  3. Thankfully in the gospel, we know where we can find everlasting and eternal happiness. You are definitely right about using our time wisely while we are here on Earth. Finding opportunities to serve not only creates happiness for those we serve, but for us as well. After all we can do, we can be saved and happiness can continue on past the grave.
