Sunday, January 11, 2015

From Slinkys to Saints

Have you ever wondered why Slinky’s are so fascinating? First released in 1945, this simple metal coil has been entertaining both children and adults alike. With one simple movement, a chain of reactions is sent down the entire coil. One simple touch puts the entire toy in motion. Just one simple touch.

One. Isn't it weird to think about? Everything begins with one. One movement, one person, one idea. Quickly, one becomes two and before we know it, history is made. In the early 1500s, Martin Luther was the one to challenge Catholic ideals as he paved the way for the Reformation. Niccolo Machia-velli was only one, yet his radical political ideas changed the way of thinking for many. The printing press was made by one individual, Johann Gutenberg but that single invention brought about greater learning and knowledge.

Just like those who came before and just like the Slinky, each of our own personal histories begin with one person or event. For me, my great great grandmother was the one who opening the story of my personal history. Susannah Stone Lloyd was the oldest of eight children born in Bristol, England and at the young age of 17, she was baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. By the age of 26, enough money was saved to make the journey to join the saints in America and shortly after, the trek was made to Salt Lake City. Unlike many other saints, Susannah traveled alone. No husband, no kids, no family. She was only one but her act of courage led her to the Promised Land and she became the author of my history.

Much like those who have come before, I myself have aimed to be part of “the ones”. I choose to be the one who changes it all and much like the Slinky, I will be the one who makes a different for the generations to come. 

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing what one small action can do for generations to come. I know it's a little cheesy to talk about the scriptures in class but, you see so many of good and bad examples in the Book of mormon of this. Even the ten commandments have a small section that talks about the effects that one small action can have. I like to think of what effects my actions now can have on generations to come.
