Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Nonprofit Overhead

I am advocating for a different view of nonprofit overhead. I don't think overhead ratios should be used to determine whether or not a nonprofit is successful because it misses the larger picture. People can see exactly what a nonprofit does by looking through their website and digging a little deeper. Don't avoid giving funds to a nonprofit just because they spend extra on the salary of a needed employee. If they are doing good in the world then they are worth donating to. (Sorry for talking so slow, I have been talking to my two-year-old nephew and it spilled over into regular conversation)

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sista' friend. People don't realize that the purpose of a non-profit is to reinvest it into the company. When you spend money, you usually get a better employee which in turn will raise more money to help people. I think people just need to get more into the spirit of donating overall. The more we spend to help those around us, the more we will all gain in return
