I was
thirteen years old, and I did not want
to take a Spanish class.
The whole world was already taking
Spanish, and besides, my older sister had taken French and loved it. So despite
my parents’ warnings that Spanish would be more useful, I enrolled in French I
for my eighth grade year. French I led to French II, which led (eventually) to
French 322. In the middle of that great journey, I came across a thought: what
about French teaching?

Underneath that fact, though, there
is more to being a French teacher. It’s not just about saying your “bonjour”’s and your “oui oui”’s. It’s about knowing how to communicate
with certain audiences, as well as how to use knowledge of French teaching history,
in a way that benefits students the most.
Ruminations on Communications
There is a problem in junior high
and high schools in the United States (among others): the lack of funding for
humanities subjects like French. In order to keep funding for your subject, you
must be able to convince a variety of audiences that the French language
matters in education. Considering each of these audiences’ values before
presenting your arguments can help you keep your subject in schools.
The Head Honchos

Administrators are academics, right? They thus
value professionalism, statistics, and good solid reasoning. Appealing to these
values requires a confident appearance coupled with your best pressed slacks or
that black pencil skirt. This shows that you are serious about your topic, and
that you understand the hierarchy of school positions. You also have to do some
genuine research beforehand—find a couple studies with graphs to display, for
example. Do a brief study yourself at your school if you can (making sure, of
course, that all of this research points to how French language learning
benefits students). Then, show them that you know what you’re talking about.
Make straightforward points that represent a clear pathway of logic. Create multiple
syllogisms, emphasizing the conclusions about—or the advantages of—French as a
part in the whole of education.
The Young Whipper-Snappers
Of course, your most frequent audience
will be students. Convincing these little buggers that French is a worthy
pursuit (which will lead to larger class sizes and thus more funding) is a
different task altogether.

The Tale of French Teaching

French teaching in modern history, up to the present, is much the opposite. The student’s first encounter with French often consists of just standardized learning of grammar and vocabulary (using textbooks that may or may not be from the ‘80’s). These “‘pre-communicative’ knowledge and skills” (Littlewood) are essential foundations, but they don’t get students to the communicative part of language. And it’s the communicative part that really makes knowledge of language useful and meaningful.
So, what? Can this historical
context make a difference in how French teachers make a difference in students’
lives? Indeed, it can. Knowledge about the history of French teaching can help
create the ideal learning environment for students. The approach is to balance the
distant and recent past.
It can be difficult for beginning
students especially to have the courage to communicate in a secondary language
in class. To embolden the shier ones requires, quite simply, frequent and effective
conversation activities. Integrate simple and useful French phrases into the
curriculum so that students can speak in the classroom while they are learning other grammar and vocabulary rules, not apart from that learning. French
teachers should also speak in French at least during part of class, working up
to entire class times in French within the first couple years of language
French teaching is more than being
fluent in French. In order to persuade students and administrators to recognize
the value of French classes, you must possess rhetorical and historical knowledge.
Such tools can and will have an incredible impact on how much attention and funding
your language program receives, as well as how you’re
your students learn and end up being able to utilize their language skills.
Works Cited
Littlewood, William
T. "Form and Meaning in Language-Teaching Methodology." The
Modern Language Journal (1980): 441. EBSCO. Web. 3 Dec. 2014.
Simonini, R. C.
"The Genesis of Modern Foreign Language Teaching." The
Language Journal (1951): 185-86. EBSCO. Web. 3
Dec. 2014.
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