
To provide meaningful context for these students I need to
focus on what truly matters to them.
They are teaching to help children so they need to know the different
forms of communication that must be mastered in order to really have an impact
on these children’s lives.
I will discuss the different types of communication that are
needed when teaching Elementary School children. These would be as follows teacher to student,
teacher to parent, teacher to administration or other political leaders and
finally electronic communication. Each
type of communication will be discussed so as to benefit those interested in
the field and provide insight into how communication can be done more
effectively through basic knowledge in rhetoric.
I will discuss how education has developed and let each
reader decide whether or not one should apply ancient practices in one’s
classroom or if the progress made in education has been beneficial and
Development Plan
I think I will need to rewrite some of my blog posts with
this new audience in mind. I have
discussed the different types of communication but I will need to explain in
simpler terms the rhetoric needed.
start I will make a basic layout of my essay and then either expand or shorten
it to fit the requirements of length.
Focus will be made on making these topics of interest to the audience
and understandable as well. I will focus on situations where rhetoric is needed and why this is so important to execute well so as to help each individual child in the classroom. I don't think much more research will be needed but will just need to be synthesized and organized.
Your plan is VERY clear and well thought-through. Great job. I like how you decided to separate the rhetoric part into the different audiences an elementary teacher would have, and what special things would be needed in each. Sounds like a successful plan to me! (P.S. Is that little boy in the picture not the cutest thing ever??)