Monday, December 15, 2014

Consulting Business Consultants: Come Know the Caveats

           It has been said that, “Hindsight is always twenty-twenty” and that is correct. In today’s world, people would be willing to pay billions to have twenty-twenty vision of the future or even the present. I do not have the answer to gain that perfect vision of the future but I do hold valuable knowledge as to how to see the present situation in twenty-twenty vision. The principles taught within can be applied to all situations but what will we be looking at exactly? Business consulting and how to find success therein. For those now preparing to enter into the field of business consulting there are some essential skills and knowledge that are often overlooked. I assure you, earning straight A’s across your business strategy college  courses will not be sufficient to truly be competitive in such a competitive field. Among the most  important influences of the success of a businessman is that of his ability to communicate clearly, respect surroundings appropriately, and create a powerful “perceived status” in the eyes of others. We will go deep into many of the vital, hidden principles of business consulting (that you won’t learn in your business classes) in order to satisfy the “unspoken rules” of successful business; addressing the key points learned through history, and communication to more fully grasp this important topic.
           This article does not contain the solution to every situation in order to find success but it does contain sufficient perspective and information as to allow one entering the business consulting field to recognize areas (beyond their studies) in which he or she must become expert to be successful.

Get It Right The First Time

                You consider yourself an influential, bright young individual ready to rock the boat in the world of business consulting. Rocking the boat can be powerful when deliberate but disastrous when not.  To avoid sinking the ship is as simple as understanding the following idea; when was the last time you went to some sort of event only to instantly realize that you were underdressed? Or maybe overdressed? Take a moment and recall what you felt; the embarrassment, the awkward feeling, the frustration and maybe in extreme cases even shame. A simple example to illustrate an important point; there is an accepted way to act, to communicate, and to appear for every situation and every context. It is no different in the world of business consulting.  Within business consulting there are no two days alike. Each day brings new situations and even newer relationships. To succeed in business consulting one must understand and be able to adapt to these situations and relationships. 
                Now, let’s imagine entering your first job interview only to come to find out that the company asked its’ applicants to dress in blue, pinstripe collared shirts with brown slacks and brown shoes. You sit down amidst the twelve other applicants who did not miss the memo. What are the chances of you getting the job? What are the chances of even being taken seriously before you open your mouth to answer the first question? That is a rhetorical question; you know the answer.  Just as there is a proper way to dress for certain situations, so too are there proper ways to speak and to act. Know the situation and what the situation calls for.

Matching the Communication with  the Situation

                Suppose you did obtain the job (because you went home quickly and changed your outfit to match the situation of course). Think, for a moment, of the many different ways in which you speak. You speak with friends, with family, with the opposite sex, with fellow coworkers, your manager, the list goes on. Each relationship calls for a different approach in communication. Understanding appropriate communication for the given situation is essential for you to keep that newly obtained job. One must learn to match the vocabulary, the body language, the tone of your voice with the nature of the relationship. For example; in sitting down with your first potential client think of how you would communicate. What vocabulary would be used? “Dude,” or maybe “bud” or “amigo?” If you are looking to lose your first not-customer this is a perfect way to do so. With your friends these words are just fine yet with this potential customer they will fail you. This may seem basic and implied knowledge but I assure you that those who are good; really, really good, stand tall above the competition. Learn this trade. It is not taught in your major studies.

Success Through Perception

                In the example of the interview, there is another element essential for success; “being taken seriously.” You have the ability and responsibility to create the type of character that you desire others to perceive. History illustrates this point exceptionally well. In Rome antiquity there was a group of people that organized the first Roman cavalry. These were called Equestrians. Equestrians were among the most noble, determined, and brave leaders. They were brilliant in their stratagem and execution.  Due to their status, Equestrians became powerful influences in the business world and one could argue, consultants in business. Others perception of the Equestrians allowed them to be influential leaders. Let us review. What is your perception of the Equestrians right now? Is it good or bad? My very words influenced your perception of the Equestrians. It only took three sentences. Now, a more important question.
                Why did you believe that the Equestrians were who I claimed they were? Over no great amount of time I have created a trustworthy, reliable source in your perception of who I am. One’s ability to find success in business consulting weighs heavily upon how he or she is perceived by others; or his perceived “status.” Every moment of interaction you are selling yourself; your abilities, your character, and your worth to the firm or customer. I do not speak of a status that cannot be influenced or changed. I speak of the status that one can create. Just as I created a perceived status of the Equestrians in your mind you must be able to create a desired perceived status in the minds of others. No matter how great your academic skills may be; if you have not the ability to create powerful perceived status success will always extend beyond your grasp.
                Developing a perceived status of trust, of loyalty, or of diligence are powerful ways to move forward in gaining success in business consulting. Allow me to guide you to another important principle.

Creating a New Kind of Value

                Paul Heathcote, a consultant with over 25 years of experience and who has recently given birth to his own consulting firm explains that being able to communicate effectively is essential. In his words he further taught, “You have to be able to show value to the customer right away.” Yes, this includes your academic knowledge of Proforma statements, the statements of cash flows, or whatever your line of expertise may be but we now know that there is more to it. The ability to “show value” is essential. That “showing” is not to be confused with “doing” valuable things. A consultant who can clearly “show value” through his words is a successful consultant. It takes more than the ability to analyze and crunch numbers to be successful; it takes persuasion by communication.

                An example; imagine two consultants in two different companies were asked to do the exact same task. Upon the asking of the completion of the task the first responds, “Yes, I finished what you had asked for; the papers are on your desk.” The second consultant responds in the following, “Yes, it was a bit more complex than what we had originally anticipated. Your request required a number of other steps that were not foreseen. Nonetheless, I was able to take care of the problem for you and the papers are now waiting for you at your desk.” The two consultants completed the exact same work in the exact same way but in your mind, who worked harder and accomplished more? The second most likely. I do not claim that more words are better than less. To find success in business consulting requires the ability to show to others that you are valuable while still creating a perceived status that is appropriate for your goals and situation. It is worth your time to learn the skill of communication and persuasion rather than just crunch numbers or problem solve.   


 In summary, I do not teach that influential communication alone will bring you great success. It is necessary to receive proper education in a competitive field in order to become a great businessman. That expertise, accompanied with the ability to communicate clearly, increase status, build trust, and demonstrate value is the formula for success. To be successful does not require twenty-twenty vision of the future but it does require the ability to communicate in such a way to demonstrate your control of the present. Learn from those who have already experienced your future; learn persuasion through communication. 
Works Cited
Paul Heathcote. Natural Knack Incorporated.
Burton, Gideon O. "Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric." Silva Rhetoricae. 15 Dec. 2014.
"The Roman Empire in the First Century: Equestrians." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2014.

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