Welcome to the world of psychology; a world where the mind is studied, behavior is analyzed, and human nature is described! As a future psychology professor, you will be responsible for teaching the next generation of psychiatrists and psychoanalysts the correct and ethnically sound way to understand, diagnose, and treat psychological disorders. You will need to understand the differences in the types of psychology and be clear and direct in teaching each of them so as to not show your biases. Professoring is not the same as teaching; you will have a body of students to address but you will also have publishers, faculty members, board members, and an entire scientific world that you will need to communicate with. In order to do this job correctly, there are a few things you will have to understand about being a professor in psychology.
But First, A History
may want to immediately jump into the topics and ways you will be teaching, but
first you must understand both the distant and the recent past found in
psychology education. Way back in the past, in the time of the ancient Greeks
and Romans, psychology was not a recognized science. In fact, it was considered
a branch of philosophy. This is significant because it reveals a side of
psychology that has been long since forgotten. Philosophy is the study of
knowledge, reality, and existence; a philosopher is concerned with deriving the
truth about things that may seem obscured or blurred. Since psychology deals
with the mind and things that scientists can’t directly see, you have to be
careful while instructing your class not to make something seem more concrete
than it has been proven or you may facilitate mistakes like the Medieval
Catholics. They acted on hypotheses that had not been validated and ended up
torturing many people, trying to rid them of the “demons” that they thought
must have been causing their disorders. (For more information on historical treatments of psychological conditions click here.)With the modern ethics code you
wouldn’t be able to promote torture, but there are untested treatments in this
era that you must be careful while discussing. Keep an open, but philosophically
skeptical, mind.
history in psychology is also relevant towards your goal of being a successful
psychology professor. Psychology is a relatively new area of science and
researchers are constantly coming up with new theories and disbanding old
ideas. You will need to stay up to date with the current discoveries made in
psychology so you do not end up teaching something that has been proven to be
inaccurate. But you also need to be familiar with the slightly less recent ideas
of significant psychologists from the past. Freud, for example, was a pioneer
in the field of psychology who has been proven wrong in almost every one of his
theories but is still noteworthy for his contributions in modern psychology. He
completely revolutionizing the way scientists view the relationship between the
conscious and unconscious mind.
Your Audiences Await
an open mind is also important for less academic reasons as a psychology
professor. You will have many different audiences that you will need to communicate
with in this field. One of the most important is going to be your students
because their futures, and the level they will be interested in psychology, is
often influenced by how well you teach. Make your class too basic and you risk
leading your students to be ill-prepared for the future, too hard, and you will
steer them away from the field of psychology. A rude, uncaring professor will
lead to a transfer of bad feelings from the professor to the course subject and
will leave students doubting their desire to go into psychology. However, bear
in mind that your job as a professor will not be to please, entertain, or
convert everyone to the study of psychology. Your job is to teach, so use
simple, direct, and respectful language while lecturing. A joke or light-minded
comment is appropriate occasionally (after all you don’t want to be boring) but
they should be used as needed, not as a constant source of amusement.
will also need to address the professional realm and your peers through regular
research and publishing. In some universities this will actually be your main
job, so if you prefer the teaching aspects of being a professor, you will need
to keep that in mind while applying for university positions. In some respects
you have more freedom in this aspect of professoring; you work on your own
schedule, you usually work by yourself, and you can address more controversial
issues because you are exploring new answers, not teaching the already accepted
solutions. (For more information on the researching/teaching dynamic of being and becoming a university professor, click here.)

A Good Idea
professors’ jobs are more similar to other university jobs than other
psychology jobs, but you need to understand both elements in order to be happy
and successful. You will need to practice communicating with students during
the teaching part of your day and be able to compile and record your research
in a professional manner while you are doing the publishing side of this
career. Pay attention while learning about the history behind modern psychology
in order to learn from others’ mistakes and grow from their ideas. Learning
appropriate communication and historical context for being a professor in
psychology will be an incredibly useful asset in your adventure into grad
school and beyond.
Good Luck!
(For more information on what psychology professoring entails, including median wages and outlook trends, click here.)
Works Cited
Graduate Study in Psychology. OoCities, 2009. Web. 12 Dec. 2014.
Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary: Utah. CareerOneStop. U.S. Department of Labor, 2014. Web. 12 Dec. 2014.
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