Friday, February 6, 2015

Supervisors Do More Than Just Sit Around?

Great minds think alike. What does it mean when they don’t think alike?

When I started working at subway several of us were thrust into the thick of things and we were supposed to figure things out. We had a paper giving us a list of things that needed to be done, but no instructions on how to do them. Each person had a different opinion, and each person knew his or her opinion was the right one. When someone tried to take authority and govern the others, we would shoot them down and someone else would try to lead. But with no true leader, we were running around with our heads cut off.

That first night it took us over an hour to close. The next time we worked we had a better idea what we were doing, but we still didn’t have a leader to direct us. Several jobs were done multiple times because of lack of communication, and some didn’t get done because nobody wanted to do them. I mean after all, when it is cold outside who wants to go pull all the bread out of the freezer, go down a steep ramp, and put it in the fridge? Once again it took us awhile to finish.

This is pretty much sums up what
it felt like happened to our supervisor
The next time we had a crew supervisor. It was one of us from before, but now he was invested with authority. We respected his authority, did what he asked, and finished work much earlier that night. There were no arguments, it was just follow what you are told so everyone can get out of there as quickly as possible.

Who knew, supervising was more than just being paid to watch others work.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing what "authority" can do. Your crew supervisor was one of the original but not until he was labeled as an authority figure did anyone care what he had to say. I have seen this in situations in my life as well. It's an interesting concept.
