My perspective has been enlarged greatly through communication with others. From conversation through social media to face to face interactions I have heard many people say they disagree with what is allowed on television but don’t think we can change anything.
One instance in particular that stood out to me was a conversation I had with Ashlyn. I previously had not know her but we began talking and I brought up the topic of what is allowed on television these days. We quickly realized that the subject matter allowed on t.v. is appalling to both of us. She began telling me about how she went to an event on government a while back in which they talked about freedom of speech. It was brought up that although we have the right to say what ever we would like we should not abuse that by saying harmful or destructive things. This same principle applies to that of what we show as well.

My mind turned to C.S. Lewis as he spoke about the law of human nature. Although we all come from different backgrounds there are principles we all hold in common. One of these is not to harm other people. We have so many regulations for physical harm in our society, why is it that we so casually allow psychological harm to occur without any restraint?
Could you give a specific example of something on Television causing psychological harm? It seems to me that psychologists who watch TV would identify something as psychologically harmful when they saw it and would then press charges or bring that subject to court. Is there something that prevents this? Are TV lobbyists getting laws passed to prevent psychologists from protecting the public from dangerous TV? Have experts tried to fight against TV shows? TV is something that is optional too, Americans are not forced to watch it and thanks to the internet we can control just watching the shows that we want to when we feel like it as well.