Most people don't
understand technology in the slightest. Aside from the current
culture of being well-versed in the use of Twitter, Snapchat,
Instagram, and Facebook, nobody really understands the depth of the
information being transferred around inside their cellphone or on
their laptop. And nobody fancies knowing that information, either.
A few years ago,
there was a large scare kicked up because people discovered that the
NSA was spying on us through our computers. Social media became
flooded with outraged, new-found political activists who were
infuriated that the government could spy on them without any warrant.
“This must be a violation of my First Amendment rights.” It
seemed as though people were about ready to light torches, pick up
their pitchforks, and head right down to the White House to clear up
the little misunderstanding. Then, as suddenly as the pitchforks had grown
out of nowhere, they vanished in a thin cloud of smoke.
The angry mob was
right, for the most part. According to precedent set by the Supreme Court many years ago, the government is restrained from most
intrusions upon our privacy, with the exception of suspected
criminals under the protection of a warrant. Although there appear to
be laws that protect our use of the Internet from organizations and
individuals that seek to do us harm, we need to be constantly
vigilant in order to protect ourselves because no law can save us
from our own hazardous tendencies.
The problem was
there's very little precedence by which one would judge future
actions. Never in history have people had access to such an infinite
wealth of knowledge and information that is instantly accessible and
carried around in everyone's pocket. Back in ancient times, life was
different. Money was a physical item that was kept in banks.
People's discussions of private matters were done in private
locations. Shopping was done in a store. Now, money is virtual
concept, private matters take place on virtual, public sites, and
shopping is done from six different virtual stores from China,
Russia, and Canada. Any and all information that exists can be
accessed from the Internet.
The problem is
The amount of
information that exchanges hand over the Internet everyday is vast.
Incomprehensibly, unmeasurably vast. “Number of stars in the sky”
or “Amount of sand at the beach” vast. And although the
government has been prohibited from watching cat videos over your
shoulder, your privacy isn't ironclad. Individuals that are
well-versed in exploiting inexperience with the Internet are more
than capable of doing what the NSA has been told to not do anymore.
These people, “hackers” if you will, are relatively safe. The
same laws that everybody was pointing at back during the privacy
scare have created a number of blind spots in which these hackers can
take cover.
The solution will

Next, there are
companies that claim to be able to create coding that reinforces and
protects your computer and your information from phishing, from DDos
attacks, and from almost all different types of malicious software.
But there's little substance to most of this. The nature of this
technology allows it to be infiltrated and manipulated, and there is
so little that anyone can do to protect information that you put
What I do not want
you to take from all of this is that you should create a bunker of
solid steel and hide in there for the rest of your life, feeding off
of Ritz crackers and EZ cheese. True, it is impossible to stop
someone from stealing information that you've posted to the Internet.
So, be careful. Don't post stupid stuff to the Internet. People are
far too comfortable and too trusting in what they allow others to see
about their lives, because they feel like they have control over what
is posted. But honestly, once someone posts something to the
Internet, they don't own it anymore. Fame is fleeting, but the
Internet is forever.
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